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The Cooking Club is built on six years of expertise in delivering children's culinary courses. Since 2014, we have been teaching the wonderful skill of cooking to children, through after-school programmes and summer camps.
Our years of experience cooking for and with children helped us realise that cooking incorporates a healthy balance of knowledge that contributes to the nourishment of each child’s developmental need.


Cooking is a great way to foster children’s creativity, communication, self-confidence and sense of responsibility. Whether you are seeing, smelling, tasting, touching or listening, our culinary activities engage children creatively in a multi-sensory environment, helping build happy memories through learning and respect of ingredients and their surroundings.
We aim to deliver culinary experiences that nurture children’s confidence in the kitchen and beyond, bringing families together in the kitchen and at the dining table. The Cooking Club delivers a curriculum for children of all ages, but always cooking everything from scratch.
We are proud to have conducted over 500 classes, partnered with nationwide camp providers throughout the UK, Asia and the US, and have a team of enthusiastic and experienced educators. Beside the fun that our classes provide, we are addressing all aspects a balanced diet, as well as teaching basic kitchen safety, food handling, food prep and technique, including knife skills. Our goal is to make mealtime and cooking fun while teaching valuable life skills.

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